
My No. 1 Place to Think

I just wanted to share a few pics from my day working at Brooklyn Bridge Park. Nooo. I’m not trying to make you feel bad about your cubicle. But if these images do motivate you to leave the redundancy of your corporate life to cultivate that idea you’ve had for the last upmteen years or start that side hustle that keeps popping in your head?…then, so be it. (Other Brooklyn posts are just as pretty.)

“How do you know if you are creatively blocked? Jealously is an excellent clue. Are there artists you resent? Do you tell yourself, “I could do that, if only…”– The Artist’s Way

The view from my office.

3 responses to “My No. 1 Place to Think

  1. Amina Abdul-Wahhab

    This is simply B E A U T I F U L!!!…

  2. Pingback: Ideas for anyone who hates their cubicle or office | CREATIVES CULTURE

  3. Pingback: JOURNAL ENTRY 7.14.11–Ready for L.A. and it’s people | CREATIVES CULTURE

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